Adult Faith Formation is comprised of parishioners dedicated to sharing the Good News with others, educating non-Catholics desiring to be Catholic, and providing ongoing education to parishioners. For more information on becoming part of this ministry, email the parish office or call during business hours.
Members of this ministry contribute to the beauty of the liturgical environment by cleaning and caring for the altar, vestments, and the sacred vessels used on the altar as well as maintaining altar linens. They also assist with special projects and enjoy fellowship with one another as they serve. lf interested in becoming part of this ministry, please email the parish office or call during business hours.
The server assists the priest at Mass. Altar servers prepare the sanctuary before Mass and place everything away after the Liturgy. The altar server participates at Mass by praying and singing in the assembly. Contact: Larry Ahumada
This ministry assists the priest in the distribution of Holy Communion at Sunday and daily Masses. Eucharistic Ministers are specially trained and are commissioned by the Bishop. Assignments are made on a rotational basis. For more information about this ministry email the parish office or call during business hours.
The Pastor, according to Canon Law (1281-1288), has among his responsibilities parish financial and temporal management. The Parish Finance Council (537) is a consultative body that assists the Pastor in meeting these obligations. Its members assist the pastor in the administration of parish temporal matters.
An active, well-formed Parish Finance Council is a key element for promoting the financial health of a parish. Although the Parish Finance Council does not have decision-making authority, consultation is at the heart of the decision-making process – sharing information, listening, contributing to the discussion, and promoting consensus.
This ministry serves the famity of the deceased by helping to plan the Catholic Rites which are comprised of three separate and vital parts: The Vigil, Funeral Mass, and the Committal. Through these sacred and solemn Cathotic Rites, we help remind the family and friends of the deceased of the companionship and support of Christ and all believers. This is currentty handled through the parish office.
For more information call the Parish Office Monday through Thursday, 9:00 am to 2pm. at 530-877-4501 or email [email protected]
This ministry works in conjunction with the ushers to offer hospitatity to those entering the church. They warmly greet parish members, visitors, and guests; answer questions; give directions, and provide general assistance to make people feel welcome and comfortable.
Contact: Kathy DeCristofaro
La misión del grupo es adquirir conocimiento de la importancia de nuestra salúd mental y reconocer los síntomas para poder buscar ayuda.
En este grupo se comparten situaciones del diario vivir y se recibe apoyo.
También celebramos actividades culturales y compartimos información de actividades y servicios que ayudan a las familias en nuestra comunidad.
Los miembros se reúnen el segundo y cuarto martes del mes en STM
These ministers carry the Eucharist to those who are unable to join us at Mass. On a regularly scheduled basis, they spend time visiting and praying with our homebound parishioners and those in area convalescent or retirement communities. For more information email the parish office or call during business hours.
Knights of Columbus Council 7773
St. Thomas More's Knights of Columbus is a fraternal service organization of men, founded under the four core principles of Charity, Unity, Fraternity and Patriotism. This organization provides men with a vehicle for building up the parish community and family life with an emphasis on family, youth, church, council and community activities. Open to any practicing Catholic man over 18. Knights undertake a large variety of service and social activities.
Meetings: Knights of Columbus meet the third Wednesday of the month at 7:00 PM @Achieve Charter School Multi-Purpose Room. Rosary begins at 6:30
Grand Knight: Greg DeCristofaro Webmaster: Jim Collins Email: [email protected] See Officers and wives below:
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The Lectors Ministry proclaims the Word of God from the Old and New Testaments at liturgies. Lectors spend some time in preparation and reflection on the readings before they proctaim the Good News. They are scheduled on a rotational basis. For information on becoming a lector email the parish office or call during business hours.
The St. Thomas More choirs provide music at Mass and special liturgies to enable the words of the liturgy to speak more fully. Music enables hearts and minds to be more easily raised to heavenly things, with the entire celebration more clearly prefiguring the heaventy liturgy while also setting the tone for particutar celebrations.
The choir sings a joyful song to the Lord. Contact: Phil Bartek
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This St. Thomas More choir specializes in the Spanish Mass and special liturgies by providing music to help the words of the liturgy to speak more fully. Music enables hearts and minds to be more easily raised to heavenly things, with the entire celebration more clearly prefiguring the heavenly liturgy while also setting the tone for particular celebrations.
A Catholic church parish council's responsibilities include:
- Planning: Developing and implementing pastoral programs, setting goals, and improving pastoral services
- Evaluating: Assessing the effectiveness of pastoral programs and services
- Investigating: Looking into pastoral problems and issues affecting parishioners
- Recommending: Proposing practical conclusions based on prayer, study, and dialogue
- Listening: Actively listening to the needs and concerns of parishioners
- Representing: Representing the needs of the parish community
- Consulting: Advising the pastor on decision-making
This ministry sews, knits, or crochets prayer shawls to bring comfort and a sense of peace and love to adults or chitdren with a physical or emotional illness, living with a chronic condition, in treatment for a life-threatening illness or experiencing a crisis; also, for the joyful experience of welcoming a new baby. The crafters pray over their creations white they are being made. Contact the parish office for more information.
The Respect Life Ministry promotes life from natural conception until natural death thru prayer, education, legistation and pastoral programs. It focuses on the issues of Abortion, Physician Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia, Death Penalty, End of Life and Bioethics. This ministry also works closely with CareNet of Paradise and 40 Days For Life of Chico. Contact the parish office for more information.
Established by St. Francis of Assisi more than 800 years ago, the Order's purpose is to bring the Gospel to life where we live and work. Members seek to pattern their lives after Christ in the spirit of St. Francis and work together in community toward a deep evangelical life and communion with all people.
We recite the CROWN ROSARY FIRST SUNDAY OF THE MONTH at 10 A.M. The St. Francis and Clare Fraternity of St. Thomas More have recently beautified Mary’s garden and invite everyone to visit the garden for some quiet time to pray, say the rosary or watch the birds.
You are also invited to join The Franciscan group each first Sunday for any of the following:
- 10 a.m. Crown Rosary.
- 10:30 a.m. Mass
- 11:30 a.m - 12:00 p.m. Formation & meeting
Everyone is welcome and encouraged to attend.
If you would like to join the Franciscans or know more about them, come to a meeting or reach out to Franciscan Larry Ahumada, OFS Minister, after Mass.
For further information, visit the Facebook page.
Blessing of the Animals and Statue Donation 2023
This ministry at STM is part of a worldwide network of 800,000 lay Catholics who are inspired by Gospel vatues to grow in holiness and build a more just world through personal retationships with, and service to, people in need. Our team has experience in disaster recovery, financial aid, food insecurity and more. For more information or to join SVdP email the parish office or call during business hours.
Men and women volunteers serving the needs of the needy in the Ridge Community. New volunteers welcome.
Volunteers needed:
Monday: 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Wednesday: 10:00 am - 12:00 noon
Call: 530.872.4687
This ministry, working with the Ridge Food Bank program, has joined forces with other area churches to provide food each week to more than 100 families. A food basket, located in the Narthex, is used by the ministry for weekly food collections from parishioners which are taken to the Ridge Food Pantry for distribution. Call the parish office for more information.
The Mission of the usher at St. Thomas More is that of hospitality. Our service is making parishioners and guests feel welcome and comfortable as we gather for our Eucharistic celebration. Our ushers are able to see the presence of Christ in each person as they arrive. This ministry is open to all parishioners — men and women, senior citizen, parent and teenager. Ushers are friendly people who welcome all ages and nationalities. Their faith enables them to see Christ’s presence in individuals and in the gathered community of believers. Ushers are honest and dependable. They can handle emergency situations with courage and composure. They carry a dignity about themselves even when performing menial tasks. Those duties include:
- Assisting in the seating of parishioners and guests
- Providing the weekly bulletin to members of the congregation
- Taking up the Offertory collection
- Cleaning up the church after Mass,
- Collecting excess bulletins and papers left behind in the pews
- Handling emergency situations with courage and composure
Contact: Dave Young
This ministry of the church focuses on three strategic principtes: Spiritual, Service, and Social. Our meeting year runs September to May with summer break June to August, but we handle special projects during this time if needed. All women of the parish are automatic members! Meetings & activities are published in the church buttetin and on the STM website.